Friday 12 December 2008

Practice thriller card game

When we were given task for our practice filming session we had to create a thriller using certain props. the props used in our thriller were game cards and two fake pistol gun.

I was fairly happy with the camera works and i feel that the shots that were the most successful was when we took a 10 second big close up of Elif with the pistol gun behind her. This i felt worked well with the thriller genre because it had create a lot of tension and suspense. we try to create a long shot scene but it did not work well with the setting because it did not give a sense of thrill. the was mainly because the setting used was inside the college building and the atmosphere was not exactly working well.
Our first practical filming session was to create a thrilling card game consisting of two characters and a pack of cards. The aim was to create a suspensful atmosphere and overall tense feel to it using camerawork and editing. This was of course, practice for the real thing- our very own thriller for our coursework.

With camerawork all went well though it could've been improved if we used more of a variety of shots (high angle, low angle etc.) and if we used the tripod consistently throughout. The reason was because there were close up shots of the protagonists and the group decided to do it manually instead of distorting the quality by zooming in. Although, our most successful shots were our close ups showing the character's expressions and emotions though they weren't exactly stable as we did not use a tripod. Our long shots however were not as successful as it showed the setting which demonstrated a not so thrilling environment (the college).

Editing went fine after we had cut the scene's that were not part of our thriller (laughing, general mistakes)

Thriller Filming & Editing

We were asked to create a mini thriller, involving two people playing a card game. We used props such as: guns and cards.

The camera work could have been improved by using various different types of angles and shots. In our thriller our shots consisted of, close ups, mid shots and long shots. Some of the long shots did not work as well as wanted.

The editing of the filming was easy but quite time consuming. It made us realize how hard it is to sequence and position what shot you want with what. Our short film was quite vague therefore doesn't make that much sense.

Mise en scene is important because we couldn't find a good location that was suitable enough to film.

We tried to create an element of suspense by putting an extreme close up of the guns, of which the other character is unaware of the other person's possession of the gun. I think this created some sort of suspense in the thriller.

A successful part of our thriller is that we followed the 5 second shot before filming giving us time to cut the appropriate scene that we wanted.

I don't think we have used conventional thriller extracts as it was just a very basic filming of a card game.

I think that if our group work together, we can create a very successful and interesting thriller movie.