Friday 27 March 2009


Eman Seid
Thriller AS: Evaluation

For the practical coursework, we had to work in groups to create a thriller. I was in a group of four included Elif, Jen, Michael and myself. We were given a quick tutorial on how to uses the cameras and computers safety. Then started practicing how to film a practice thriller. When we were given task for our practice filming session we had to create a thriller using certain props. The props used in our thriller were game cards and two fake pistol guns.

I was happy with the camera works and I feel that the shots that were the most successful was when we took a 10 second big close up of Elif with the pistol gun behind her. This I felt worked well with the thriller genre because it had create a lot of tension and suspense. We try to create a long shot scene but it did not work well with the setting because it did not give a sense of thrill. The was mainly because the setting used was inside the college building and the atmosphere was not exactly working well.
In the thriller we made sure that we used typical convention of a thriller film such as raising question about the situation. Our thriller included a hostage and a villain. The villain held hostage a young girl and the setting was a big but isolated basement. the basement itself has a cold feeling to it which help set the mood of the thriller. The natural lighting was of benefit to us as one of the other convention of a thriller is that colours featured in them are dark and gloomy.

The convention of the thriller genre is to do with sound and editing e.g. quick cuts and camera angle changes, music that gives tension and is quick cuts when appropriate. It can be to do with lighting, especially the use of shadow. Mirrors and stairs are also conventions of a thriller movie. However, we did not use them as we were not as organised and did not plan enough to include this typical conventions in our sequences.

‘Phone booth’ in particular is a thriller film I was inspired by, as it did not play to the conventions. It avoids darkness, shadows and dim lighting. The one way to link it to standard conventions is to say that u hear and see the story from the killers point of view, u r made to feel sorry for the male protagonist and that u r told a story with the use of flashback and quick passed editing. otherwise the this film is unlike most thriller movies and avoids the main conventions and may even not b classed as thriller but psychological thriller as it plays with your mind rather than shows u like a conventional thriller.

Our thriller was about a girl is being held hostage and the villain is filming his hostage. She is quiet frightened and is not sure about what is happening to her. The villain then goes on to a computer and uploads his video of the hostage onto a website for everyone to see. Our use of conventions was very different to ‘Phone Booth’ as we felt that create the affect with the lighting, i.e. diming the lights helped create this atmosphere.

Our main aim is to actually film the villain uploading a video of the hostage onto a site called: ‘www.’ that is a real blogging website. This will make it seem more thrilling and raise more questions without making it too obvious. To do this we have shot a video that would be something that the hostage has supposedly shot of the hostage.
We are further planning to edit the shot by putting it in black and white- with a record sign to make it look from the hostages’ point of view. In addition, this will seem very effective and raise even more questions, which is one of the main conventions of a thriller.

We made our own soundtrack and edited it to fit into out thriller. We had then made the sounds go according to the scenario and added effects that help emphasise the idea of it being a thriller. It took a long time to complete the task but we had enjoyed putting in the effort that I personally felt made our thriller successful.
The sort of effects that we needed and used was blurring the image. This was done when focusing in and out of Jen’s face. This helped create tension and made the shot look sharp and professional. The thriller was edited into black and white this was done to set the tone of the film as done in typical convention. The blue colour filter was used to show how Jen’s at the previous time was in a vulnerable state. This had also assured us that the audience could see how the villain is made to look like a cruel and cold person.

The reviews that we had received from other media AS student were very enlightening. Some feel that the music really helped pull it off and enjoyed watching the thriller. Many students felt that the piece was ‘very disturbing’ and ‘creepy’ to watch. The group were very happy to hear these comments, as the we wanted to hear this replies and comment. When we watch it again with a bigger crown (the whole AS media) we discovered that this opinion was from a larger number of viewers. When reflect on the feedback we had receive we were overall happy that we meet our target and achieve a successful response from the viewers.

When using editing using the final cut Pro, we had edited a scene to make it look like a camcorder was actually the villain recording the victim. This was needed for the villain filming the hostage. It also increases the realism in it, as it shows us a scene from the villain's point of view. In addition, after watching the thriller with other as media student in the cinema it seems to have some conventions of a real thriller. Most importantly, it raises questions about the situation, which is just what we wanted to achieve.

I feel that my film will be a low budget film due to the new talents featured in them and the fact that a known actor/actress has not been used, the budget will remain low safely. I will get my film produced by Working Title 2, which focuses on these low budget films. Working Title is a successful British film company that can encourage and boost the ratings of my film- so that it gains attention from the target audience. If worse comes to worse, and my film is unsuccessful, the low budget will be beneficial because there will not be so much of a loss.

To get my film notice I will try to get my film publish using the internet, TV adverts. I would try to get my film noticed on the new release on an internet page. A website could help promote my film would be a film guides. film4 is a company that helps promote new release: ‘’.
This would help promotes my film and make viewers aware of the release of the film.

Overall, I feel that my thriller was successful and my group was helpful. I was pleased with the way the group worked and organised ourselves in the making of the thriller. I personally feel that the thriller success was due to hard work and commitment from each member of the group I worked with.

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