Friday 27 February 2009

Thriller Complete!!

After a long and hard 2 months, making an opening of a thriller has come to an end!!

Today, the group gathered round perfected every shot, and added our own sountrack to it. The soundtrack itself is great. We made the sounds go according to the scenario and added effects which helps emphasise the idea of it being a thriller. It was a very time consuming task but we managed to pull it off. We had fun using and experimenting with the different sounds. As a group, we made a decision of the sounds and today's effort and groupwork really paid off and made our thrillers look professional.

We decided to use a very dramatic soft sound at the beginning and dominated the film's soundtrack with the bassline. At the end of the sequence (which was a present tense scene) we used classical music. It may seem ironic that we have included classical and dramatic music together, but this helps bring out the irony and show the characters perverted characteristic.

We were able to adjust the music by making it fade in and out and get louder and softer at points. This is much better rather than just including a new sound into the soundtrack. It would have sounded too chunky and organised whereas, we blended in the music which makes not only the storyline flow, but the actual film itself.

It was interesting to see different work of others because, it's good to see what others perceive a thriller as. All the other thrillers I have seen by other people, were very interesting and there was a lot of thriller conventions in them.

Overall, making a thriller is quite stressful (even though it was only for 2 minutes!!) but also fun experimenting and being able to create footage and sounds of your own.

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