Wednesday 25 February 2009

Thriller Nearly Complete 2

Today's progress was great. The group noticed that we needed a match cut to put into a shot as it was too long and would bore the audience- therefore today we filmed the necessary shot and included it in our sequence. We filmed the same shot but from a different point of view. This way, it would make the shots looks shorter and more interesting.

Afterwards, we logged and captured the needed footage and included it into our sequence. We also made sure that we added colour to it (as this was part of the flashback) and it looked like tighter shots.

We also fixed up the titles and decided to put the TITLE of the thriller which is 'Victim No.6' at the end of the whole sequence. We made the 6 bigger and put the words 'Victim No.' on top of the 6 and faded in a big 6. It looks very effective with its red shadow.

The main colours of which the thriller consisted of is very dark, grey cold colours. By putting the flashback as a blue colour it makes it more effective than black and white. It also emphasises the cold/dangerous/mysterious situation of the thriller.

As previously mentioned, our final aim is the music. The soundtrack needs to be fast and possibly help build up tension. Most importantly we don't want to scare the audience but we want to use a soundtrack that will alert them, that something is wrong is happening.

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