Tuesday 24 February 2009

Thriller Nearly Complete

Today, myself and Eman both edited our current sequence. We were shown how to put on effects and things that a conventional thriller would have. I have noticed that by editing, a sequence can make so much more sense-and look very effective.

Today, we asked Mickey to show us how to put on the effects of the previously mentioned:
-Record sign (flashing in the actual sequence)
and finally,
-Title sequences
-A soft dissolve into another shot.

So far in our thriller titles, we have included a director, co-director, editor, co- editor and co-assistant.

Today was a success as we have completed all the necessary editing. Further editing (if any needed) will be taken into consideration this whole week.

Our final aim is to include the music of our thriller. The type of music needed has not yet been discussed with the group but tomorrow, we will be thinking of ideas and hopefully get on with starting to compose the music.

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