Tuesday 27 January 2009


Myself, Jen and Eman discussed final plans for our thriller. As Jen wrote down shots that can be used, today, I finalised these ideas.

Finalised Idea For Thriller
Plot: A girl is being held hostage and the villain is filming his hostage. She is frightened and does not know what will happen to her. The villain then goes on to a computer and uploads his video of the hostage onto a website…

(locations/props/characters needed: basement, computer (room) hostage and villan, video camera for the villan and a CD, and a fake website)

Types of shots needed:

1. Location of the hostage being kept there tied to a chair or sitting on the ground.

2. FAST OCCURING SHOTS of hostage looking around, hostage feeling isolated, hostage struggling- trying to escape.

3. Hostage then stops looks frightened.

4. Shot of villains back walking towards the hostage. (Match cut) of villain walking.

5. Picks up a video camera.

6. Hostage looks confused/unaware of situation.

7. Presses the record button.

8. Hostage is being filmed by the villain- hostage becomes even more scared.

9. Goes into flashback of: the villain tying her up, kicking her, shouting at her, hostage crying and also screaming. (sepia or black and white)

10. Villain walks to a computer

11. Goes onto a website

12. Uploads video.

13. Shows upload complete sign (final shot)

The group will start filming as soon as a ideal location is found.

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