Friday 23 January 2009

Thriller plans (nearly finalised)

In today's lesson, we discussed further plans for our actual thriller. Howvere we had many difficulties as the plans we had come up with, was too complicated to film for a two minute opening scene. One member of our group was missing (Micheal) so me, Jen and Eman were left to make final decisions about what should be taken out improved and put in.

After break, we presented our ideas- gave a 'pitch' to the class. However our teacher Anabell believed that our idea wouldn't work so well. After trying to discuss what we could improve, we didn't come up with a solid plan. We thought that our plot should involve:

2 Spy's and one hostage who had links with the 'government'
The villan was meant to keep this person hostage until they had got what they wanted from the government.

We noticed that our idea was too complicated therefore did not go ahead with what we had planned.

For advice Mickey then came along. He suggested that we should have a less complicated idea and that we can do something that could stick with our hostage idea.

So our final decision for today was:

The villan will hold somebody hostage and he will film his hostage. He will film it in such a way that the hostage becomes frightened because she does not know the consequences. However we will have an interesting shot of the villan using a camera and we will in our own sequence have a part of the 'villans' filming.

During the sequence there will be black and white constant flashbacks:
- Tying her up
- Attacking her
- Shouting at her.
- Hostage screaming

But then after you will see the villan go to his computer and go on a website. He will then post a video of the hostage online.

The very final shot will include the hostage and a phone dangling down. This will be shown from a very low angle, possibly from knees down...

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