Friday 30 January 2009

Second Day of Filming

Today, we filmed the final part to the thriller. It was successful as we did many shots including close ups, over shoulder shots, extra close ups and other various shots. It was tiring but fun. 

The short part we filmed on Wednesday was not as successful as today. This is because, we didn't have enough time and the lighting wasn't very good.  However on camera, the lighting seemed fine but when uploaded onto the computer- it was too dark to see. At another time, we will be filming the  same shots again but with better lighting. 

Personally, the hardest type of shot to put together is the 'match cut' shot. This is because you have to get the actors repeat the same thing many times (depending on the match cut you want) and it may make the actor feel bored or less enthusiastic. I can now understand that in real life it is very difficult and time consuming to put together such things and that I now appreciate the amount of effort and time that goes into  filming and producing.  

Also, we reminded Jen to wear the same clothes she had on before - this is to represent continuity. 

Overall today has been successful. I managed to put our current shots on the hard drive and save it for now and this is where I saw other shots which weren't so successful. 
Our group's aim is to now re-shoot the shots to actually complete the filming process of the thriller. Next lesson we will carry on filming the last of the thriller. 

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